If you’re in the position of trying to get disability money from Social Security, you’re in a specific situation involving a bureaucratic system that has a good number of rules and processes. It can be daunting – it can be confusing!
As a professional attorney’s office dealing with SSDI, we can help. We know that it’s often challenging to get these monetary awards for covering household expenses and more. Here are some of the challenges that are involved that we can help with as we work with you through the SSDI claim process.
Initial Claim Denial
Many problems start with an initial claim denial for SSDI. Agency responders will say that there’s something missing, whether that’s documentation or anything else. Then the ball starts to be kicked down the road, and resolving the award is imperative – because your money is at stake.
Lack of Documentation
There are all sorts of details that can be left out of a Social Security claim. Like other kinds of claims such as medical claims, there’s a complexity to the documentation that can be hard to work with. Good representation can help. Paying attention to the details, knowing the conventions of these forms and figures, can make the difference between a swift payment and a boondoggle.
Missing Work History
Not all of the work that goes into Social Security credits happens in a fully regimented corporate environment. Any work that is done without full documentation may end up being missing from the formal filing, and that can present problems.
One of the things you hear most from Social Security applicants is that timelines become a problem. Responses can take a long time, and without someone to expedite the process, filers may have to wait entirely too long for their benefits as they take on debt or slide further into financial insolvency.
Hearing Logistics
So you have a Social Security hearing to discuss benefits? Some claimants have a hard time with transportation or other logistics, and may not be able to fully make use of hearings and opportunities for advancing their cause.
As an experienced SSDI advocacy law firm, we aim to help clients to navigate the SSDI process and fully understand their rights under the law. Call The Hedtke Law Group for good solid counsel and help with SSDI claims and related issues. We are here to help you to get justice, to advance your interests in local courts, and to help you to make sense of specialized systems that so often seem opaque to the average person. Don’t let the process discourage you. There’s help.