Great Tips For Bouncing Back After Filing For Bankruptcy

Approximately 700,000 Americans file for personal bankruptcy each year. Generally, this filing will come after a long stretch of financial turmoil. The only way to get your bankruptcy filed and approved the right way is by seeking out the help of a legal professional. For years, the team at Hedtke Law Group has helped individuals file for bankruptcy. Once you have put this hard time of your life in the past, you need to work on rebuilding. 

Picking up the pieces following a bankruptcy filing can be a lot harder than you imagine. The following are some of the things you need to do when trying to bounce back after filing for bankruptcy. 

Secured Credit Cards Are a Great Option

One of the main goals most people have after filing for bankruptcy is rebuilding their credit. Getting approved for loans or unsecured credit cards will be difficult after filing for bankruptcy. Rather than letting this fact get you down, you need to explore all of your options when trying to rebuild your credit. A secured credit card is a great option for people who have recently filed for bankruptcy. 

With a secured credit card, you will have to provide a cash deposit to unlock your full credit limit. You may be surprised to learn just how many secured credit cards are available. This means you have to do your homework before choosing one. As you research the unsecured credit cards at your disposal, pay close attention to the interest rate and the amount of money you have to deposit. Once you have this information, you will be able to choose the right unsecured credit card to fit your unique needs. 

Create and Follow a Budget

If you have filed for bankruptcy, chances are you have a hard time managing money. Some people live way above their means and eventually pay dearly for this mistake. Rather than continuing your reckless financial habits, you need to be smart about your finances. This is why creating a budget and following it to the letter is crucial. 

Writing down a list of your monthly expenses is just the first step in the budget-making process. You also need to constantly be on the lookout for wasteful spending. Addressing these wasteful spending issues can help you save money over time. Consulting with a financial planner is a great way to get some guidance on how to make and follow a budget. 

Don’t Dwell On Past Mistakes

There is no denying that filing for bankruptcy is a life-changing experience. Dwelling on this decision can lead to even more financial problems in the future. This is why you need to leave bad financial decisions in the past and work on moving forward. Setting financial goals and working hard to meet them can be extremely rewarding. 

Contact Hedtke Law Group Today!

Do you need help filing for personal bankruptcy? If so, contact Hedtke Law Group to schedule a consultation.